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How do I cancel my subscription?Updated 10 months ago

If you decide to cancel a subscription, you have the flexibility to do so within 24 hours before the renewal date. To proceed with the cancellation process, access your manage subscription button on your order confirmation. It's important to note that cancelling a subscription will have no impact on kits or supplements that are already in transit, and the cancellation will only apply to upcoming charges and shipments.

In cases where you intend to cancel a subscription with a payment that has already been processed, we can provide a full refund if the package has not yet been shipped. However, if the package has been dispatched, the conditions outlined in Section (A) would govern the refund process.

Kindly be aware that refunds will not be issued for charges from past subscription periods. Our policy dictates that only the most recent charge is eligible for a refund in accordance with the terms specified.

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